easier than it looks
Not clear, but looks like misconfigured packages after multiple installations, uninstallations and re-installations of packages and Desktop Environments
So today I had problems that caused KDE Plasma to not acknowledge my laptop as a laptop. In other words, my Arch was on the edge of collapse.
So, I tried reinstalling all the packages of my installation in one command, like so
# pacman -Qenq | sudo pacman -S -
But as you can see the post hasn’t ended here, it didn’t pan out.
After hours of help at #archlinux and #kde-plasma, I found this Forum page that gave me just the right instructions!
First up, I removed all the orphaned/unused packages rotting away in my system.
# pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)
next, I force-reinstalled all the packages I had in my installation.
# pacman -Qqen > pkglist.txt # pacman --force -S $(< pkglist.txt)
Now my installation is sweet as candy with no loss of any personal configs, and everything is perfect again!